Oficinas municipales cerradas a partir del 23 de marzo
Oficinas municipales cerradas a partir del 23 de marzo
sábado, 21 de marzo de 2020
Departments to Remain Fully Staffed, Residents Urged to Use Online Services
NEWPORT, R.I (Friday, March 20, 2020)
-- In light of current concerns related to the COVID-19 outbreak, please note that all City Offices will be closed to the public beginning Monday, March 23.
While City Hall had previously been limited to essential city business only for the last week, beginning Monday, City offices will be available strictly by phone, email, or on a limited appointment only basis. Individual departments will remain fully staffed and any residents, establishments or entities who have ongoing business with the City are encouraged to conduct it online or via telephone.
Residents are also reminded that all public meetings have been cancelled through April 1
, while Municipal and Probate Courts also remain suspended.
Marriage Licenses for services being conducted between March 23 and April 1 can be obtained in-person by calling (401) 845-5349 to schedule an appointment.
Copies of Birth, Death, and Marriage Certificates can be ordered online directly from the City’s website at
Land Evidence Recordings will be conducted by utilizing the City Drop Box on Bull Street. Please contact Laura Swistak 845-5351, lswistak@cityofnewport.com or Carlos Alaan at 845-5349, at calaan@cityofnewport.com to arrange for the recording of documents. Recorded documents will be returned via U.S. Mail. To make alternate arrangements for the return of recorded documents, please contact Laura Swistak of Carlos Alaan. Research related to property records is available at USLandRecords.com.
Other key contacts include the following:
For Collections and Parking Tickets please call (401) 845-5401.
To reach the Assessor’s Office, please call (401) 845-5363.
For questions about Special Detail Requests or Payroll, please call (401) 845-5374 or (401) 845-5377.
For questions about your Water or Sewer Bill, call (401) 845-5600
Funeral Directors are asked to contact (401) 845-5340 or 845-5341 to make arrangements for filing.
For all other services, including building and electrical permits, as well as engineering forms and applications, please visit