📢 City Hall Closed Thursday, Nov. 28th 📢

City Hall and offices will be CLOSING EARLY for Thanksgiving at 2 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 27th. The Waste Management Transfer Station will also be closed resulting in a one-day delay for all trash, recycling and yard waste collections. 
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Department of Information Technology

IT Department - (401) 845-5400
Nick Craig - Director of Information Technology
(401) 845-5325
Michael Crittenden - GIS Coordinator
(401) 845-5327

  Department Directory »

Department of Information Technology

IT Department - (401) 845-5400
Nick Craig - Director of Information Technology
(401) 845-5325
Michael Crittenden - GIS Coordinator
(401) 845-5327

  Department Directory »

Information Technology

Welcome to the Information & Technology Department!

Help Newport secure funding for Better Broadband!
The state challenge process gives Rhode Islanders an opportunity to update the FCC's existing map of locations where BEAD (Broadband Equity Access & Deployment) funding can be deployed in Rhode Island and represents the next step in unlocking the state's $108.7M BEAD allocation.

Click HERE to Submit a Speed Test: Why submit a challenge?

We will be delivering internet service to locations with no connection or with slow and unreliable access. Let us know about the current quality of your connection by submitting challenges.
we encourage residents to help ConnectRI develop more accurate internet service data information by participating in a simple online speed test through the portal.
The challenge process portal opened May 29, 2024 and will remain open for at least 30 days.
We are here to help! On our website, you will find:
Printable and digital instructions for download in English and Spanish for residents and for municipalities.


  • Cybersecurity Awareness Training:
    Keep yourself secure online take the 15-minute Cybersecurity awareness training provided by Amazon and learn how to identify cybersecurity risks, including phishing, social engineering, and data privacy. https://learnsecurity.amazon.com/en/training/story.html
  • Digital Equity: Learn about the Digital Equity initiatives that Newport and the State of RI are investing in. https://connectri-ricom.hub.arcgis.com/
  • Digital Equity Survey: We want to hear from you about your experiences with getting and using internet service. Your input will help the State make sure that everyone can have access to high-quality and affordable internet service, devices, skills training, and digital support. https://connectri.civilspace.io/en/projects/connect-ri-survey/engagements/statewide-digital-equity-public-survey-for-rhode-island-fe0b/sections/1
  • Internet Crime Complaint Center: The Internet Crime Complaint Center, or IC3, is the Nation’s central hub for reporting cyber crime. It is run by the FBI, the lead federal agency for investigating cyber crime. Here on their website, you can take two vital steps to protecting cyberspace and your own online security. https://www.ic3.gov/
  • FCC National Broadband Map: The National Broadband Map provides information about the internet services available to individual locations across the country, along with new maps of mobile coverage, as reported by Internet Service Providers (ISPs) in the FCC’s ongoing Broadband Data Collection. https://broadbandmap.fcc.gov

In the news: 


Get help, or information with online forms or applications, GIS Mapping, ReportIt!. Report issues to us regarding cybersecurity, service provider issues, or anything else we can assist with or should be aware of.