The Technical Review Committee (TRC) assists the Planning Board by providing professional and technical advice, comment and recommendations on matters referred to TRC by the Planning Board. TRC findings and recommendations are advisory and non-binding on the Planning Board. TRC also serves as the review agency for uses that are permitted by right which are subject to development plan review, and for demolitions outside of the Historic District. TRC includes members of staff from various city departments and meets on the second Wednesday of each month.
The Planning Board features 9 members appointed to three-year terms by the City Council. Officers are elected by the Board members at the annual meeting each December and serve for the subsequent calendar year. Members
Monday, January 6 Monday, February 3 - CANCELLED Monday, March 3 Monday, April 7 Monday, May 12 Monday, June 2 Monday, August 4 Monday, September 8 Monday, October 6 Monday, November 3 Monday, December 1
Agenda are posted a minimum of two working days prior to the meeting. Please review the sample meeting procedures to see the steps the Planning Board will follow in working through its agenda. Minutes are available following approval by the Planning Board at the subsequent meeting. View all agendas and minutes on the RI Secretary of State's open meetings portal. Meeting materials may be linked in the agenda posted on the Secretart of State's open meetings portal up to the start of the meeting. An attempt is made to update the links with final versions of meeting materials in the approved minutes. Please contact the Department of Planning and Economic Development for requests to review official Planning Board records.
Meetings are broadcasted and video recordings made available on Newport Community TV.