Moorings are allotted at an 8:1 ratio. 8 Resident to 1 Non- Resident. The wait time is approximately 15 years for residents and 20 years for Non-Residents.
To prove residency you must have a valid driver’s license with a current Newport address or a Newport voter registration card. The fee for the Mooring Wait List is $25.00 for the initial application and $10.00 annually to renew your application.
Please note that it is the APPLICANT'S responsibility to update their contact information with the Harbormaster’s Office.
Spindle List Main Harbor Point List Brenton Cove
*** Please note that every applicant is assumed to be a non resident. In the spring of each year, we ask the top 30-40 people on each list to show proof of residency (Newport voter registration card or RI Drivers License with Newport address). This ensures the most accurate residency status is being used when a mooring is offered.