Applications are currently open for the City's 2-Tier Residential Tax Rate program. Applications may be submitted in person at City Hall, or online through March 15th.  Click Here for More →

Contact Information

Newport Police Department
Chief Ryan G. Duffy

120 Broadway
Newport, RI 02840

Emergency: 911 or (401) 847-1212
Non-emergency & Records: (401) 847-1306
Anonymous Tips: (401) 846-2606

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Contact Information

Newport Police Department
Chief Ryan G. Duffy

120 Broadway
Newport, RI 02840

Emergency: 911 or (401) 847-1212
Non-emergency & Records: (401) 847-1306
Anonymous Tips: (401) 846-2606

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Learn How to become a

Open Application Process for Entry-Level Police Officers
until February 4th, 2025
To Learn how to apply Click Here!!

Accepting Applications for Out of State and In State Certified Officers until 10/08/24 
(Click Here to Apply) 
 Mission Statement

The mission of the Newport Police Department is to provide excellence in police service through aggressive pursuit of violators of the law and the prevention of crime and disorderliness. This will be accomplished by forging a partnership with the citizenry of Newport to enhance the quality of life, reduce the fear of crime, preserve the peace, and impartially enforce the law, while maintaining a higher standard of integrity than is generally expected of others, and respecting the dignity of each individual. Our services will be rendered with courtesy, civility, and in adherence to the provisions of the Constitution of the United States.

A Message from the Chief of Police
On behalf of the women and men of the Newport Police Department, I would like to personally welcome you to our police department's web page within our city’s website. It is my hope that these pages are a useful place for visitors desiring information on the various programs and services that our police department provides. 
The Newport Police Department is a premier police agency in New England.  Newport is a dynamic waterfront community embracing a diverse residential, collegiate, and military population alongside an international and domestic visitor population estimated to be 5 million annually.  As police officers in Newport, we are responsive to the needs of local residents, businesses, and visitors from all over the world.  The highest values of our department include INTEGRITY, EMPATHY, PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE and ACCOUNTABILITY.  As the Chief of Police, I am committed to leading our brave sworn and dedicated civilian staff on a path of providing police services consistent with our department values.  We place significant importance on the relationships we develop in our Newport community and strive to partner with community members and other city public services to resolve problems, protect the public and solve crimes. Policing today is complicated, dangerous, and dynamic.  The profession requires practitioners who possess patience, dedication, decisiveness and compassion. The Newport Police Department employs the highest quality police officers and civilian staff.  We continuously seek diverse talented people to join our team of guardians as law enforcement first responders.  

As the Chief of Police I am accessible to members of the public who wish to provide feedback or offer solutions to issues of community interest.  Please use the services offered on the City of Newport’s website and the Police Department pages as your first access point to the police department. If you have an emergency, please call 911 or the Police Department’s emergency number 401-847-1212.

City of Newport
Chief of Police
Ryan G. Duffy

Ryan G. Duffy was sworn in as the Chief of Police for the City of Newport on June 9th, 2023 after several months in the position of Interim Chief of Police.  Chief Duffy has over 20 years total leadership experience between the EMS profession as a paramedic and within the law enforcement profession as a police officer.  Chief Duffy has been a sworn member of the Newport Police Department since 2000.  He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice from Roger Williams University and a Master’s Degree in Leadership Dynamics and Practice from Salve Regina University.  The personal values he holds highest include family, integrity, empathy and public service.


Administrative Services

The Administrative Service Division is responsible for functions such as the Office of Professional Standards, Accreditation, Training, Records, Fleet Management as well as Property and Facilities.


Patrol Division

The principal functions of the Uniformed Patrol Division are to prevent crime and delinquency, protect life and property, preserve the public peace, and regulate traffic. The Uniform Patrol Division (UPD) is responsible for providing immediate calls for service in response to all emergency and non-emergency complaints.

Criminal Investigations

The principal functions of CID are detectives who conduct thorough and in-depth follow-up investigations of crime and delinquency committed in the City of Newport, recovery of stolen property, preparing criminal cases for prosecution, maintaining a constant analysis of ongoing crime trends, and employing proactive measures to reduce crime through concentrated investigation of specific crimes and/or criminals. 

In the Community

How to File a Complaint

File a complaint against an officer and learn more about the process

Traffic Enforcement

Pay a parking ticket, learn about our resident parking programs, and more

How to Become a Police Officer

Are you interested in a career in law enforcement? Click here to learn about joining Newport's Finest

Community Policing

Meet our neighborhood Community Police officers

Frequently Asked Questions

Click here for answers to some of our most commonly asked questions

Sign Up for Emergency Alerts

Be safe during an emergency! Sign up for Emergency Alerts

In the Community

Sign Up for our Neighborhood Camera Registry

Sign Up for our Neighborhood Camera Registry

Help keep Newport's neighborhoods safe for all. If you have a home security camera, please consider signing up for the City's confidential Community Camera Program. Footage from video surveillance cameras is one of the best methods for identifying and apprehending criminals, and is an important tool in keeping neighborhoods safe.  
Click below to sign up today!


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News & Events

Latest News

Newport Successfully Implements Mobile Noise Trailers to Enforce Local Noise Ordinance

First Citations Handed Out as Part of Noise Camera Program
NEWPORT, R.I. (WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2024) – The Newport Police Department (NPD) has intensified its efforts to enforce local noise ordinances with the introduction of a mobile noise enforcement trailer, which became operational in the summer of 2024. This trailer, equipped with advanced sound monitoring technology, is playing a key role in addressing noise complaints on Thames Street. As of October 2024, the department has reviewed 39 potential violations that resulted in 10 warnings and 8 municipal court summonses.

Washington Square Traffic Detour Starting March 18

Water Main Repair Set to Begin Next Week
NEWPORT, R.I. (FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 2024) – Motorists are advised that beginning the week of March 18th, the City’s utility contractor, Boyle & Fogarty Inc., will begin work at Thames Street and Washington Square to replace an aging water main. 

While overnight work is scheduled as part of the project, this phase will be performed during daytime hours between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. and will require detours.


Annual Santa’s Ride to Kick Off Tuesday, Dec. 12th
NEWPORT, R.I. (THURSDAY, NOV. 30, 2023) – With the holiday season officially upon us, the City of Newport is once again busy preparing for the return of Santa’s nightly rides.

Beginning Tuesday, Dec. 12th, Santa will be escorted by Newport’s Fire and Police Departments for his annual tour of Newport’s neighborhoods.

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  Calendar of Events

Special Zoning Board of Review

A Special Meeting of the Zoning Board of Review will be held  at Newport City Hall, Council Chambers 

Historic District Commission Meeting

The Historic District Commission is responsible for overseeing development within the City's Historic District
Click here to view an agenda.  

Henderson Home Commission

The Henderson Home Commission is charged with overseeing the Henderson Home for Aged Men in accordance with the provisions contained in the will of William H. Henderson. 

City Council Meeting

The City Council serves as a the primary decision making body for the City. Join us for its regular monthly meeting, held in the Second Floor Council Chambers at City Hall. Click here to read an agenda and to view the meeting online.

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