Probate Court
Probate Court meets two times per month at 10:30 a.m., in the Second Floor City Council Chambers at Newport City Hall. Click here for a full schedule.
For advertising deadlines, please contact Carlos Alaan at 845-5349 or calaan@cityofnewport.com.
Naval Station Newport RAB Meeting
You can meet with fellow citizens and representatives from the Navy, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management, and you can help plan studies and cleanups of contaminated sites.
For general information regarding the NAVSTA Newport Environmental Restoration Program (ERP) or more details on this and other upcoming meetings, go to the Navy’s website https://bit.ly/3oeFnFa. Click on the tabs Home Page, Site Descriptions, and Administrative Record, or the links within this Navy public website. By clicking on the Administrative Records, you can search public documents related to the investigation and cleanup at ERP sites.
EPA Website: http://epa.gov/superfund/netc
If you have any questions, please call the Navy Co-Chair at 401-841-7671 or Citizen Co-Chair 404-259-3148.
All meetings are hybrid; held in person at the Sonesta Select, 9 Commerce Drive, Middletown, RI 02842 from 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm and online via Microsoft Teams.
Energy & Environment Commission
The mission of the Energy & Environment Commission is to advise the Council and educate the public on energy-efficiency, renewable energy and the environment, to foster a more sustainable community.
Click here for an agenda