Newport's annual Fourth of July Fireworks display traces its history to a small but dedicated group of community members who volunteered their time to help celebrate our nation's founding with a safe, family friendly atmosphere. Today, community support remains a key ingredient in this beloved summertime tradition, helping to offset the costs associated with the influx of visitors who line the harbor from Goat Island to King Park. Thank you in advance for helping us light up Newport Harbor.
By Check: Please make your generous donation payable to “The City of Newport” with a notation of “Fireworks Fund” on the memo line, and mail it to the attention of the Mayor’s Office, 43 Broadway, Newport, R.I. 02840. All donations will be recognized in print and here on the City's website
Weather permitting, this year’s Fourth of July Fireworks display is scheduled to light up the harbor beginning at approximately 9:15 p.m. on July 4th, with a rain date slated for July 5th.
Please note that parking can be limited during the hours leading up to the display. Visitors are encouraged to use any one of the City's public parking lots.
For best viewing, be sure to find a westward facing spot along Newport Habor. Popular viewing locations include Perrotti Park, King Park, and Queen Anne Square.
If you’re interested in making a donation to this year’s fireworks display, please make checks payable to the “City of Newport” with a notation of “Fireworks Fund” on the memo line, and mail it to the attention of the Mayor’s Office, 43 Broadway, Newport, R.I. 02840. Please note that all donors will be recognized in local media and on the City's website.