Applications are currently open for the City's 2-Tier Residential Tax Rate program. Applications may be submitted in person at City Hall, or online through March 15th.  Click Here for More →

Contact Information

Patricia Reynolds, MA ARCH - Planning & Econ. Dev. Director 
(401) 845-5450     
Nicholas Armour, MPA, MUP - Zoning Officer
(401) 845-5452
Rebeccah Trefethen - City Planner 
(401) 845-5472
Jillian Chin - Historic Preservation Planner
(401) 845-5415
Department Directory »

Contact Information

Patricia Reynolds, MA ARCH - Planning & Econ. Dev. Director 
(401) 845-5450     
Nicholas Armour, MPA, MUP - Zoning Officer
(401) 845-5452
Rebeccah Trefethen - City Planner 
(401) 845-5472
Jillian Chin - Historic Preservation Planner
(401) 845-5415
Department Directory »

Planning & Development

Our office is dedicated to improving the economic wellbeing and quality of life for Newport residents by creating and/or retaining jobs while supporting the growing income and tax base through the planning and implementation of large and small-scale development projects. The department also houses the Zoning Division, which provides general zoning information for properties, reviews and processes all zoning variance and special use permit applications, zoning certificates, and Zoning Officer Modifications.


The Planning Division plans and guides inclusive growth in our City through its work with the Planning Board

Economic Development

We're committed to making Newport the most attractive community in New England to live, work and raise a family. 


The City's Zoning office is dedicated to ensuring the fair and equitable application of the City's codified zoning ordinances.



Points of Interest 

Transportation Master Plan

We're rethinking how people get around Newport. Click here to learn more about the City's first Transportation Master Plan and let's Keep Newport Moving!

North End Urban Plan

The North End Urban Plan strives to lay the foundation for smart, equitable growth in the City's North End. Read it here. On February 10, 2021 the City Council voted unanimously to amend the Comprehensive Plan to include the North End Urban Plan.

Flood Safe Newport

Being a flood safe community means protecting our community and saving homeowners on flood insurance.

Green & Complete Streets

As part of the City's goal to make Newport safe and accessible for pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists alike, we adopted a Green & Complete Streets policy. Click here for more

Innovate Newport

We partnered with Federal, State and private partners to transform a historic school building into a hub for entrepreneurs. Learn more here.

Comprehensive Plan

Download a copy of the City's guiding planning document, the Comprehensive Plan

Planning Board

The volunteer citizens of the Newport Planning Board oversee the City's planning efforts and are the stewards of the City's Comprehensive Plan

Zoning Board of Review

Find upcoming meetings, search agendas, and learn more about the City's Zoning Board of Review

Historic Preservation

With the largest collection of colonial homes in the United States and its status as "America's First Resort," Newport truly lives in its history. Preserving history and Newport's sense of place is a community effort. 

Community Development Block Grants (CDBG)

The Department of Planning and Economic Development administers the City's CDBG program. A video of the first public hearing for the 2019 program year is available here

Newport Housing Chapter

To address the Citys housing needs head on, we sought technical assistance from RIHousing and its consultant, Libra Planners, to create a new housing chapter for its Comprehensive Plan

Planning & Development News

Flood Safe Newport

Flood Safe Newport

Newport's Department of Planning is dedicated to the safety of all residents and infrastructure. 
Click below to learn more about how you can prepare your home or workplace, develop an emergency communications plan, and know what to do when a flood is approaching your home or business. Taking action today can save your life and property tomorrow.

Learn more →