2024 Bath House hours of operation Opening of the bath houses for the 2024 season will be delayed due to construction. We anticipate demolition to be completed June 30, 2024 and the bath houses to open soon after through September 29th. More information and updates will be forthcoming. 2024 Beach Office Hours TBD FAQ: Q. When can I pick up my reserved parking hang tag? A. Hang tags are available for pick up at this time. We are distributing out of the Martin Recreation Center (the Hut), 35 Golden Hill St, Newport, RI 02840, Saturdays and Sundays from 10am-2pm. If you would like to buy an extra beach sticker at that time please be sure to bring your vehicle registration and proof of residency. Payments must be by credit card or check made payable to the City of Newport. Q. What are the move in dates to bring items to my Bath House locker? A. Move in dates TBD. Q. I bought a beach sticker thinking that I wouldn’t get to use my bathhouse hang tag. What can I do? A. Please return the beach sticker, either used or unused, along with your renewal information and we will credit that amount toward your bathhouse renewal. If a refund is owed, we will request a check to be mailed back to you. Q. How do I get a second reserved parking hang tag? A. Unfortunately, we no longer sell standalone reserved parking hang tags. We only allocate up to one reserved parking hang tag per Bath House. Remember, that the reserved parking hang tag is transferable to any vehicle, but to the one vehicle that is parked at the beach at any given time.