Traffic Enforcement
Click Here to view Traffic Study Reports
Traffic in Newport is a common source of complaints among Newport residents. There are many facets to traffic management and there is no universal solution. The police department's traffic unit is responsible for enforcement, planning and education.
The purpose of this section is to make the public more aware of what we are doing to improve traffic. Sergeant Head and the Traffic Unit spread the word at neighborhood meetings, the Citizens' Police Academy and to people who call with a neighborhood traffic concern. The topics Sergeant Head most frequently discusses will be mentioned in the Traffic Enforcement pages. If you have a traffic concern you would like to report please Click Here
Temporary No Parking Sign Request Forms
The Newport Police Department accepts request for temporary no parking signs due to the need of reserving parking spaces on city streets for temporary means such as (construction equipment, moving vans…etc.). Please review the terms on the form Temporary No Parking Request and fill it out entirely. After completion, you can either submit the form by email to or or drop it off to the Records Clerks at the police department.
Inter-departmental Traffic Committee
Citizen Concern Request
ITC Citizen Concern Request Form
The Inter-departmental Traffic Committee (ITC) is comprised of city professionals who make recommendations to the city council on traffic related matters including new traffic control devices and changes to traffic ordinances such as parking restrictions, truck restrictions, crosswalks, and traffic calming. Members of the ITC represent police, fire, engineering and planning who generally meet monthly on the third Tuesday at 9:30 am in the Library’s Rotary Room. The public is always welcome to attend, but we ask you to please submit the ITC Citizen Request Form and notify the ITC Chair of your intention to attend.
Please note that the form below is generally intended only for requesting new traffic control devices and changes to traffic ordinances. Requests for repainting existing yellow curbing may be directed to Public Works by calling (401)845-5620. Requests for new Residential Parking restrictions may be directed to the City Clerk’s Office, (401)845-5341 or (401)845-5342.