Effective July 1st, the City of Newport will be introducing a new software program that will help streamline operations for City staff. Please note that while customers will still be able to conduct normal business inside City Hall, residents are advised that certain functions, including online payments, are currently offline.
Nicholas Armour, Zoning Officer (401) 845-5452 City Hall - 3rd Floor 43 Broadway Newport, Rhode Island 02840 Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. - Monday through Friday
The mission of the Department of Zoning and Inspections is to ensure compliance with construction, zoning and nuisance codes and to protect public health, safety and welfare within the community.
The Department serves as a one-stop shop for land development review and regulations for building, housing, electrical, plumbing, mechanical, zoning (certificates, variances, special uses and historic) within the City of Newport.
The Historic Preservation division also provides support to the Historic District Commission.
Being a flood safe community means protecting our community and saving homeowners on flood insurance.
With the largest collection of colonial homes in the United States, Newport truly lives in its history. Caring for these historic properties is a community effort.
Download a copy of the City's guiding planning document, the Comprehensive Land Use Plan
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Cliff Walk Named "Best of Rhode Island"
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