Effective July 1st, the City of Newport will be introducing a new software program that will help streamline operations for City staff. Please note that while customers will still be able to conduct normal business inside City Hall, residents are advised that certain functions, including online payments, are currently offline.
To contact a Community Oriented Police Officer directly, you can call or email: North End CPO Nick StLawrence 2 Park Holm (401) 845-5865 nstlawrence@cityofnewport.com
Broadway Area CPO Frank Pirri 9 Pond Ave (401) 845-5863 fpirri@cityofnewport.com
Brick Marketplace CPO Merrie Scott Swinburne Row (401) 845-5862 mscott@cityofnewport.com
Lower Thames Street CPO Brittany Ripke 514 Thames Street (401) 845-5864 bripke@cityofnewport.com
The COP Offices are usually staffed Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m.
COP Beat Boundary Map of Newport