Filing of application: Applications cannot be accepted prior to August 5th or after November 3rd.
These deadlines cannot be waived for any reason.
Notice of Tax Appeal Deadline | Property Tax Appeal Form [.pdf]
In accordance with Rhode Island General Law 44-5-26, a taxpayer may file an appeal with the Assessor within 90 days of the first payment due date. Historically, tax bills are due August 5th, making the deadline November 3rd each year. The Assessor has 45 days to render his decision. If the taxpayer is still aggrieved, he/she may file an appeal with the Board of Tax Appeals within 30 days of the Assessor's decision. The Board has 90 days to hear the appeal, and 30 days from the hearing date to render an opinion.
The taxpayer, if still unsatisfied, has 30 days from the Board's decision to file in Superior Court. In the event a taxpayer files in Superior Court for a specific tax year, he/she must file the appropriate accounts and appeals for each subsequent year until the case is resolved. Appeal forms are available on the Applications & Forms page.
Property Tax Appeal Form [.pdf] Senior Property Tax Relief Application [.pdf] Veteran Exemption Application Change of Address Form