For a full listing of Guidelines, please visit For lost or missing carts, please contact or by calling 401-845-5617.
The Waste Management Transfer station is open Monday through Friday 8 a.m. - 3:15 p.m., and Saturdays 8 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.
They are located at 65 Halsey Street and they accept everything except hazardous waste based on their preset fees.
What you will need to bring to the transfer station scale house attendant
All residential homeowners are allowed two free visits per fiscal year up to 500 pounds per visit funded by the City. Homeowners must present a recent property tax bill or water bill and a government issued ID or driver’s license to the scale house attendant (NO EXCEPTIONS). Registrations and electric bills will not be accepted. Homeowners must be physically present with their load in order to use their free visits. After using your free visits, you are eligible for a 30% discount off of the current scale rate as determined by Waste Management.
The City of Newport sponsors a mattress recycling program if you are able to transport the mattress & box spring to the Waste Management Transfer Station. Mattresses/box springs are eligible for recycling if they are clean, dry and have no visible damage or infestation. There is no charge for City of Newport residents to participate in this program and residents can bring up to three (3) pieces per visit. Proof of residency is required (photo ID along with a tax bill or water bill for property owners; photo ID along with lease or copy of utility bill for renters. No exceptions.)
Waste Management Inc’s Newport transfer station runs on a fiscal year (July 1- June 30) calendar for residential property owners using free dumps.
Renters in Newport
All renters in Newport are able to use the transfer station based on the fees set by Waste Management.
Eligible materials include residential household waste, household bulky waste and appliances, residential yard waste and recyclable materials. All loads must be covered and secured. Commercial waste and waste resulting from work performed by private contractors is not eligible.
Please exercise caution when using the Waste Management Inc’s transfer station. For your safety, hard hats are required and will be provided for your use.
Backyard composting is a way you can remove more than 500 pounds of organic matter from your household waste per year, diverting it from collection and the landfill. Composting is simply a combination of yard debris (like grass clippings and fallen leaves) and kitchen scraps (such as fruit and vegetable spoils), separated from the waste stream and placed into an environment suitable for decomposition. Through composting, you can experience the benefits of this rich soil additive giving you healthier and greener lawns and gardens, and a cleaner environment too!
The Clean City Program has backyard compost bins available at a discounted price of $45 (comparable retail value $120). To ensure availability, please make an appointment for pick up at 80 Halsey Street via email at or by calling 401-845-5617. For more information on the compost bin available through this program please visit:
The Overflow Trash Program is a way to dispose of extra trash which may be generated by residents during the course of the year. During certain periods of the year, such as holidays and large gatherings when residents produce extra trash which will not fully be contained in the city provided carts, residents can take advantage of this easy and economical option.
This program allows the resident to purchase specially colored and marked 33 gallon plastic trash bags to supplement carts at a handful of local retailers. Bags will be sold in rolls of 5 for $12. With overage items, residents are first asked to recycle and compost as much as possible before sending items to the landfill.
This store list is subject to change, so please call store location to confirm bag availability.
A few important things to remember:
If you cannot fit all of your recycling into the recycling cart provided and you cannot portion the items over a few weeks, you have the option of bringing single stream recyclables to the WM Transfer Station for free if you are a resident of Newport (owner or renter). To access this service for homeowners, please make sure to bring your water bill or property tax bill with a government issued photo ID to present to the scalehouse attendant (this will not count toward your 2 free visits). Renters will need to present an electric bill or lease with a government issued photo ID to the scalehouse attendant. ALL VEHICLES MUST STOP AT THE SCALEHOUSE TO BE WEIGHED. Please note, the property owner or resident must be with the load to access this free service.
The Clean City Program, in partnership with Waste Management, offers a commercial recycling program for small businesses in the City of Newport.
The program was created to help more entities recycle and to help the city increase its recycling rate. Qualifying business owners can save money due to the simple fact that separating recyclable goods from the waste stream can decrease the ultimate weight of and cost of disposal of the solid waste streams.
This program is aimed at small businesses that currently do not have a recycling program and will not exceed the containers offered in this program. Residential units such as rentals or condos over 8 units that that are not included in the city’s trash and recycling program may also participate in the commercial recycling program.
Businesses must sign a service agreement with Waste Management in order to start service and may contact WM directly at (401) 847-0230.
Location: 80 Halsey Street, Newport RI
Self-service hours
(For items such as Books, Clothing/Textiles, Scrap Metal no larger than a grill)
Hours: Monday – Friday 7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Please come within the posted hours no appointment necessary. Please, no hazardous waste, no electronics and no illegal dumping allowed. Surveillance is in use. If your item does not fall into any of these categories, we cannot accept it. If items are still useable please give it to a family member, friend or find an appropriate donation option. WE DO NOT ACCEPT ELECTRONICS FOR RECYCLING AT CITY YARD.
Scrap metal
All scrap metal accepted cannot be larger than a grill and must fit in the allotted space at the self-service drop off area .
Clothing and textiles
Clothing/Textiles: Drop off at the Recycling Drop-off Area (self-service) to the Big Brothers Big Sisters donation bin, or visit their website for a list of bins in Newport. You can also visit their donation center: Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Ocean State at 1341 West Main Rd. (in Airport Plaza).
Books are accepted by Discover Books and should be in good condition with no mildew. Magazines and phone books are not accepted, however DVDs and VHS are, and can be placed IN the book bins on site. ALL ITEMS MUST BE PLACED INSIDE THE BIN. ITEMS CANNOT BE PLACED OUTSIDE.
Items that require assistance
Motor Oil & Filters – Monday - Friday 7:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. (Hours may vary, please call ahead to ensure staff is available to assist 401-845-5617). Check in at the Clean City Office, located in the front office at the Public Services Garage.
Motor Oil
Motor oil recycling requires city staff assistance and it is recommended you call in advance for an appointment Monday - Friday 7 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Oil must not be mixed with any other substance such as water or antifreeze. There is a 5 gallon limit per resident per visit and a valid ID must be shown. NO COMMERCIAL MOTOR OIL ACCEPTED.