Probate Judge: Gregory F. Fater, Esq.
Carlos Alaan, Deputy Clerk (401) 845-5349
Probate Court meets two times per month at 10:30 a.m.,in the Second Floor City Council Chambers at Newport City Hall.
All probate matters are filed according to residency. Rhode Island does not file by county; each city and town has its own probate court.
Probate Court has jurisdiction in the city in which it is established of: the probate of wills; the granting of administration; the appointment of custodians, administrators, and guardians of persons and estates; the adoption of persons eighteen (18) years of age or older; change of name of persons; and all other matters now within the jurisdiction of probate courts.
Probate Judge: Gregory F. Fater.
The Probate Court Clerk is prohibited from giving legal advice, assistance in the preparation of forms and advisement on how a case should be handled.
For other questions please contact Deputy City Clerk, Carlos Alaan at 845-5349.