The Water Pollution Control Division operation and maintenance, capital, and debt service expenses are supported by revenues generated from the sewer use charge, CSO Fixed Fee, Industrial Pretreatment Fees, and payments in accordance with contractual agreements from our wholesale customers, the Town of Middletown and Naval Station Newport.
The sewer use charge is assessed to metered water usage for commercial and residential customers. The sewer use charge is established by ordinance, Section 13.12.010. A change to the sewer use charge requires two public hearings before the City Council.
For Fiscal Year 2021, the sewer use charge is $ 19.80 per 1000 gallons of metered water usage as of July 1, 2020.
Effective July 1, 2007 the City Council established, per ordinance Section 13.12.015, the CSO Fixed Charge which is an annual charge prorated based on the customer's monthly billing cycle. The revenues generated from the CSO Fixed Charge are maintained in a restricted Water Pollution Control Account. Funds in this account are used only for projects associated with the City's Long Term CSO Control Plan as approved by the RIDEM. The fee is based on the size of the customer's water meter. A change to the CSO Fixed Charge requires two public hearings before the City Council.
Effective Fiscal Year 2017 all Newport water accounts, (excluding irrigation accounts) will be assessed the CSO Fixed Charge in accordance with Sec 13.12.015 (rev).
The CSO Annual Fixed Charge schedule has been in effect since July 1, 2011. The Fiscal Year 2020 CSO Annual Fixed Charge Schedule:
Industrial Pretreatment Charges
In accordance with the Clean Water Act and approved by the RIDEM , the City established the Industrial Pretreatment Program (IPP) per ordinance, Chapter 13.10. The IPP is intended to prevent the introduction of pollutants from commercial and industrial operations into the City's water pollution control treatment facility located on Connell Highway. The IPP applies to all commercial and industrial users of the City's water pollution control treatment facility located in Newport and Middletown.
In accordance with federal and state regulations the City established a fees schedule in order to recover costs for the program. The ordinance provides the detailed information as to what users are affected and the various fees that are assessed. A change to the IPP Ordinance requires two public hearings before the City Council.